Decorating for Fall – Foliage and Plants
The cooler weather has started to commence here in New England and cozy blanket days are ahead. Warm mugs, knitted blankets, fall shawls…I’m ready for it all!
I’ve just started to decorate for autumn, especially focusing on adding seasonal foliage and plants. Although I’m not a huge fan of the color orange, I do appreciate its beauty in the fall foliage. Our trees aren’t quite turned to bright orange and red yet, so in the meantime I’m enjoying this faux foliage indoors.

Faux Foliage in the Living Room
This week I added orange and rust colored faux foliage to an olive bucket in our living room. A plaid tablecloth with similar colors hangs on a ladder in the background, along with this chunky lap throw I knitted a while back.

More texture was added with this fluffy gray faux sheepskin pillow. Along with the faux foliage, I found these faux leaves at Michaels craft store and decided to place them inside the lantern for a pop of color. A soft throw on the chair adds a cozy touch.

Dahlias in the Kitchen
Have you visited our Modern Farmhouse Kitchen reveal post yet? Make sure you do! We finished our kitchen renovation and I’ve been spending all sorts of time in this room. I’m just starting to add fall touches in here as well.
What could be more lovely than a vase of fresh Cafe Au Lait Dahlias from our garden? They cheer up our new banquette corner.

My hand-crocheted tassel throw is a fitting accompaniment to the pretty dahlias and warms up the bench seating. I still can’t get over the fact that we can see and walk through to the living room via this wall. Alleluia!

Kitchen Rosemary Pot
Now that soups and hearty fall foods are on the menu, I love to have Rosemary handy. One of our favorite sides is creamed mashed potatoes with Rosemary. Oh, I’m craving it now! It’s the quintessential herb for fall and Christmas time.

You may recognize these terracotta pots that I ‘aged’ this past spring. I’ve since replaced the lavender they contained (which got planted in the ground) with Rosemary.

The pots & herbs add such complimentary color to our new modern farmhouse kitchen counter, which I cannot get enough of!

Next up for fall decor…pumpkins!
How have you been decorating this fall?