Want to find time for Knit and Crochet?

PSSST - Time - Planner - eBook (cover photo)
crochet planner eBook full mockup

How about a printable PLANNER to help you find & schedule time for your hobby?

  • DISCOVER what is slowing you down and tackle those obstacles
  • ENJOY your hobby during found pockets of your day
  • SCHEDULE your craft projects throughout the year
  • COMPLETE your works in progress (WIP's) in a timely manner

About the author

Hi, I'm Susan.  I absolutely LOVE to knit & crochet and have been at it for over 20 years.  


Let me share tips & tricks to find time for your favorite hobby.


Believe me, I've struggled with scheduling & finishing WIPs, and I don't want you to give up!

knit and crochet planner ebook
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